Renovating an apartment in Lille: A complete guide to success

Vous venez d’acquérir un appartement ancien à Lille ? Il s’agit du principal type de bien dans la ville. Ils constituent par ailleurs 77,8 % des biens immobiliers sur le territoire. Ils sont aussi plus recherché par rapport à une maison individuelle.

Vous pourrez être soumis à des travaux de rénovation ou d’aménagement dès lors que votre logement présente un mauvais état énergétique, acoustique et esthétique. C’est le cas quand votre système de chauffage est vétuste, votre mur présente des fissures, votre toiture laisse infiltrer l’eau de pluie, votre sol s’affaisse, vos fenêtres se dégradent, etc. Des travaux de rénovation s’imposent également si votre réseau électrique et votre plomberie se détériorent. En somme, un tel projet est indispensable pour améliorer votre bien-être et celui de vos locataires. Vous êtes déjà propriétaire d’un appartement ou vous souhaitez en acquérir un à Lille ? Faites-vous aider ici afin de concrétiser la rénovation de votre bien immobilier.

How to Renovate Your Apartment in Lille?

Renovating an apartment, much like in a house, is a lengthy and complicated project, depending on the condition of your real estate assets. Here are the essential steps to successfully complete your project in Lille.

Define and Prepare the Apartment Renovation Project in Lille

Firstly, you need to start by defining and specifying the objectives of your project. This allows you to have a clear idea of ​​establishing the budget forecast and analyzing the feasibility of the work.

What type of renovation do you want to bring to your property in Lille? You can distinguish three options, depending on the characteristics of your real estate. Light renovation or simple refreshment and maintenance of the apartment only consider the floor, ceiling, and walls. The work specifically involves:

      • Installation and refurbishment of floor covering (tiles or parquet),

      • Sanding or varnishing the floor in a room,

      • Wallpapering as a wall covering,

      • Repainting the wall and ceiling.

    Partial renovation, as the name suggests, involves renovating part of your apartment, one or two rooms, your bathroom, and kitchen, for example. This project can serve two purposes: improving the energy performance of the property and optimizing its interior layout. Furthermore, if your budget allows, total renovation is recommended, especially if you have just purchased your apartment and intend to rent it out. This type of project aims to completely refurbish your property and involves, among other things, extension, layout, electrical installation, and changing the heating system.

    To access the building's characteristics and thus define the appropriate type of renovation, do not hesitate to take stock. Take the time to check the heating, ventilation, electrical installation, plumbing network, floor, wall, ceiling, and facade of your apartment.

    Furthermore, preparing your renovation project necessarily involves planning the work. Make sure to organize them in a coherent manner and in order of priority.

    Renovation of the Structural Work in an Apartment in Lille

    In construction, the structural work refers to all the work that ensures the solidity and stability of the building. It concerns, in particular, the walls and floors, the roof, the terrace, the balcony, and the openings (doors and windows). The renovation of these elements must be carried out delicately.

    Various projects can take place to renovate the structural work in an apartment, as in a house in Lille. Strengthening the foundations of the construction is important if you are considering a lateral extension or removal of a load-bearing wall. This work is also necessary in case of subsidence of your floor. This, whether it is made of wood, concrete, or steel, requires special maintenance. As soon as you notice damage related to the load-bearing floor of your accommodation, consider immediately replacing it to ensure that it does not affect the solidity of the building.

    Renovation of the structural work involves replacing windows if you find them in poor condition. This is also the case if you want to improve the insulation of your accommodation or bring more light into your home. In terms of interior design, it may sometimes be necessary to demolish a load-bearing wall to make more space for the layout. Since this operation directly affects the building structure, such an operation requires the intervention of several trades (architect, masonry company, plumber...).

    Furthermore, concerning the roof of the building, its renovation is necessary as soon as it undergoes water leakage, poor insulation, or when converting the attic. In this regard, you may need to replace it. Facade renovation is also a significant work item as soon as activities on the structural work in a building or house are involved. Similarly, you are encouraged to regularly maintain or change, if necessary, your drainage system to comply with the standards imposed in Lille.

    Renovation of Second Work in Your Apartment in Lille

    When it comes to renovating an apartment or a house, there are numerous second work tasks involved.

    Insulation Work in an Apartment in Lille

    Unlike renovating a detached house, insulation in an apartment is typically done from the interior. In a building, it's rare to insulate the facade and the roof.

    To enhance thermal and acoustic comfort in your interior, insulating windows is essential. Single glazing, often found in older houses or buildings, accounts for 10% to 15% of heat loss in a home. It's also a point of entry for external noise or noise leaving your interior. To address these issues, consider replacing it with double glazing with enhanced insulation while ensuring its sealing.

    Retrofitting the insulation of your interior wall also improves the energy and acoustic comfort in your apartment or house. You have three options for this: insulation with metal framing, bonded doubling, and air gap insulation.

    Ceiling insulation is also an effective solution to combat noise disturbances caused by neighbors' footsteps, for example. Additionally, it's crucial for retaining heat in your apartment. Installing a false ceiling is a highly effective renovation solution to better insulate this part of your property. Similarly, you should consider insulating the floor to keep your interior comfortable. In this regard, you can install insulation under the concrete slab or on the joists and battens for wooden flooring.

    Plumbing Renovation

    In an apartment or a house, plumbing refers to all work related to :

        • water distribution and drainage,

        • hot water production,

        • gas supply,

        • sanitary appliances, and plumbing fixtures.

      The plumbing network consists of a complex system of pipes, tubes, valves, faucets, and pumps at various installation points.

      Plumbing works go hand in hand with kitchen renovation. Indeed, the latter often requires a modification of the plumbing installation, especially if you're considering a new layout. The same goes for bathroom renovation in your apartment in Lille.

      Renovation of Various Installations

      Second work renovations also involve installation and troubleshooting of the electrical system. This entails improving various connections of the network and replacing, if necessary, the meter, circuit breakers, contactors, sockets, and switches.

      You also need to renovate the ventilation system in your interior to ensure better air circulation. In this regard, installing a Mechanical Controlled Ventilation (MCV) system is a high-performance solution that combines comfort and energy efficiency in your interior.

      Renovation of Heating System and Hot Water Production

      Replacing, installing, or troubleshooting the heating system is part of the second work. In this regard, consider replacing your existing equipment with more efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical devices. Specifically, it's recommended to use innovative and environmentally friendly devices, such as a wood boiler, condensing boiler, heat pump, or a Combined Solar System (CSS).

      Regarding hot water production, renewable energy-based devices, such as a thermodynamic water heater or solar water heater, are preferable.

      Kitchen Interior Renovation

      Kitchen renovation works should not be taken lightly in an apartment in Lille. It's a key room in your home, where you prepare your meals every day. In the context of a rental property investment, the kitchen is a focal point that tenants are particularly interested in when signing the lease.

      In principle, kitchen renovation should involve various steps, such as :

          • removing the old kitchen (kitchen units, tiling...),

          • plumbing, electrical, and ventilation installation or troubleshooting,

          • laying new flooring and wall coverings,

          • installing cabinets, countertops, and appliances,

          • and installing a backsplash on the kitchen wall.

        To complete your kitchen renovation, ensure to adopt the ideal decorative style, including lighting and painting the room.

        Interior Bathroom Renovation

        Just like the kitchen, the bathroom is also a crucial wet area in your apartment. Its renovation should be undertaken delicately to make it more appealing, especially if your property is intended for rental purposes.

        In principle, interior bathroom renovation aims to facilitate its maintenance, control humidity to preserve the decor, prevent accidents resulting from the cohabitation of water and electricity, etc. To ensure your bath is a true moment of relaxation, several steps are necessary, including plumbing and electrical installation or troubleshooting, changing floor and wall coverings, installing furniture, and decoration (lighting and painting).

        Interior Apartment Layout

        After the structural and second work, and the renovation of specific rooms (such as the kitchen and bathroom), it's time to do the interior layout of your apartment. This project involves, first and foremost, clearing unnecessary items to make room for arranging your belongings. Declutter the passageways to facilitate movement in your accommodation. In this regard, consider taking precise measurements for each piece of furniture you choose, depending on the room to be furnished.

        Interior Decoration and Finishing Works

        To complete the renovation of your apartment in Lille, interior decoration is the final phase of your project. Once again, you face a more or less extensive series of activities. Indeed, for a custom decoration of your apartment, the following steps are to be carried out :

            • Choose colors for each room in your home.

            • Optimize the lighting system for an attractive interior decoration ;

            • Take into account the necessary measurements to select decorative furniture.

          To adopt the interior decoration style best suited to your apartment, it's always beneficial to seek assistance from a professional decorator.

          The Trades Required for Apartment Renovation in Lille

          As you may already know, apartment renovation works are lengthy and challenging, requiring skills and considerable availability. This project involves various trades.

          Interior Architect

          Considering undertaking interior renovation works for your apartment, much like for a house, in Lille is not a particularly brilliant idea. Especially if you're contemplating a total renovation of your real estate assets. It's better to enlist the services of a professional, such as an interior architect.

          Indeed, when renovating your apartment in Lille, engaging an interior architect offers numerous advantages :

              • Access vital advice and guidance well before purchasing and during the renovation of your property in Lille ;

              • A certified interior architect possesses the necessary professional insurances to guarantee apartment (or house) renovation works in Lille ;

              • An experienced interior architect helps you anticipate all expenses for your apartment renovation project in Lille (feasibility studies and preparation of work estimates) ;

              •  Benefit from an interior architect's advice and expertise on selecting renovation materials, wall and ceiling colors, furniture, and equipment ;

              • Gain access to a preview of your new home through graphical elements (sketches, plans, and 3D modeling of your project) provided by an interior architect ;

              • Receive more accurate quotes from each company involved in the project, such as masonry, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, painting, and decoration, with the help of an interior architect.

            Moreover, a well-connected professional surrounded by various artisans and contractors, an interior architect connects you with reliable and regular experts (possessing civil liability and ten-year insurance).

            Regarding interior architect fees in Lille, they can range from €40 to €70/m2 depending on the property's size. Note that larger apartments will generally have lower service prices. Interior architect fees can also be set as a fixed rate, based on the extent of your renovation works. In this case, fees range between 7% and 10% of the total work amount.

            Interior Masonry Company

            When your interior renovation project involves structural work, the intervention of a specialized masonry company is essential. This includes works requiring technical knowledge, such as :

                •  Interior extension and demolition of load-bearing walls,

                • Construction of walls and closing of doors inside the building,

                • Construction or arrangement of a masonry terrace,

                • Filling cracks and holes on walls with plaster,

                • Installation of a mezzanine in your interior,

                •  etc.

              Each of these works risks compromising the building's structural integrity. Hence, the importance of engaging a masonry company for a tailored interior renovation of your real estate assets.

              Regarding service prices of a masonry company in Lille, they typically range between €40 and €72/h.

              An electrical company for electrical installation renovation

              Electrical short circuits are among the main causes of accidents within a building. That's why it's essential to entrust all renovation or replacement of your electrical equipment to a professional electrician. Furthermore, in both apartments and houses, any electrical work requires solid expertise to comply with the current NF C 15-100 standard. Additionally, an electrical company has a ten-year insurance policy covering any potential defects.

              To find a competent company to handle electrical renovation inside your home in Lille, don't hesitate to compare several quotes and services.

              Like all other building trades, the fees of an electrical company vary depending on the scope of the work and the area of intervention. For electrical renovation in Lille, the average hourly rate of an electrician is estimated at €47.6. This can range from €30 to €60 depending on the complexity of the work.

              A plumber for plumbing renovation and troubleshooting

              When considering renovating your kitchen or bathroom, it's advisable to engage a plumbing company. Indeed, electricity and moisture are omnipresent in these main areas of your home. The services of a plumber will prevent any potential accidents that could occur with your sanitary equipment. Additionally, competent and experienced technicians allow for custom renovation, troubleshooting, or maintenance of your plumbing system.

              Moreover, engaging a professional company is an excellent way to save time and money. On-site, the plumber's work is comprehensive, diagnosing the condition of the network, installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of sanitary equipment and all plumbing accessories. Regarding the prices of their services, you can find a plumber starting from an hourly rate of €50 to €80 in Lille. This depends on the company itself and the extent of the envisaged works.

              An interior decorator for decoration and finishing works

              As part of the renovation of your real estate assets in Lille, the assistance of a professional decorator is essential for decoration and finishing works. This specialist undertakes to choose floor and wall coverings, interior colors for each room (walls, ceiling, and partitions), and decorative materials (such as wood or metal). Furthermore, their services and advice help optimize the choice and arrangement of your living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, or dining room furniture.

              To ensure better decoration and finishing during your renovation project in Lille, the role of an interior decorator is crucial. They first conduct a survey to define and plan the necessary works to meet your needs. They then propose inspiration boards (or mood boards) to present their intention and validate with you the interior decoration style to adopt. From there, the decorator establishes layout and decoration plans for each room of your home. On-site, they ensure quality control of the work done by each craftsman.

              Like an interior architect, the decorator receives fees deducted from the total amount exclusive of taxes for decoration works (10% to 14%, depending on the work performed). Hence, it's essential to compare several quotes from different professionals to decorate your interior at the best prices.

              Prices for renovating an apartment in Lille

              In general, renovating an apartment tends to be less expensive compared to renovating a house in Lille. Calculated for each square meter of the living space, their prices depend on several major parameters, such as :

                  • the type of renovation work envisaged (light, partial, or heavy renovation),

                  • the renovation materials and desired finishes,

                  • the involvement of an interior architect and other aforementioned trades.

                Here's an excerpt from an estimate of the prices for apartment renovation works in Lille in 2023 :

                Renovation Type Example of Works Renovation Price per Square Meter
                Light Renovation Painting, floor, and wall coverings €200 to €400
                Standard Renovation Kitchen renovation, bathroom renovation, energy and sound insulation, electrical renovation and troubleshooting… €500 to €1,000
                Heavy Renovation with Architect Services Extension involving demolition of load-bearing walls, creation of a new bathroom… €1,000 to €2,000

                To carry out renovation works for your apartment at the best prices in Lille, don't hesitate to compare the different quotes offered by professionals.

                Mathieu Amara

                Mathieu Amara

                Diplômé en sciences politiques, j'ai toujours eu une passion pour la rénovation et les travaux.

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