Budget for House Renovation: We Detail Everything You Need to Plan


Many reasons can motivate a homeowner to undertake a renovation project in their house. Sometimes, they want to update the property, increase comfort, or save energy. Estimating a renovation budget isn't that complicated, provided the right method is applied. To help you establish your renovation budget for your home, here's a list of tasks to be done and constraints to consider. Also, discover in this guide the possible solutions to avoid unpleasant surprises.

A few reasons for undertaking renovation work

Are you looking to purchase a property with the intention of redesigning and arranging the rooms according to your tastes? Renovation allows you to turn your house into an ideal place that reflects your personality. For example, you can create a kitchen, renovate your living room according to your style, add extra bedrooms, or rearrange partitions. Unused spaces like the garage or basement can become pleasant living spaces. You can also create a living room from your bedrooms or install glass partitions. Renovating a house can improve the aesthetic aspect of a room in your home.

In the case of a rental project, renovating your house is an economical alternative. It will make it easier to find tenants and allow you to increase the resale value of the property. Indeed, you can renovate your property to increase its potential, market value, gain more comfort, or preserve your health. This type of work is often a necessary step to properly enhance your assets. Note that restoring a property requires several tasks to be carried out. As for the cost of the work, it greatly depends on the nature of your project.

What are the three categories of renovation work?

To plan your home renovation budget, it is imperative to know the different categories of work to be completed. A complete renovation is a good idea to refresh an old house.

The structural work

Also known as heavy renovation, structural work consists of carrying out the most essential major tasks. Roofing, framing, masonry, plumbing, etc., it gathers the most expensive tasks. It's not about building an extension or raising a house, but about tasks like demolishing a stone wall or creating new rooms.

Here are the average prices for structural work:

  • Replacing tiles: between 45 and 145 €/m2;
  • Roof renovation: between 185 and 275 €/m2;
  • Floor renovation: between 23 and 100 €/m2;
  • Wall renovation (stones, bricks, concrete, etc.): between 15 and 105 €/m2;
  • Ceiling renovation: between 18 and 265 €/m2;
  • Facade renovation: between 45 and 120 €/m2;
  • Grounding: 330 and 1,100 €;
  • Electrical standards update: between 60 and 110 €;
  • Plumbing: between 820 and 2,100 €;
  • Sanitation: between 1,080 and 8,100 €.

Often, structural work requires the intervention of a professional. Depending on the configuration of your house and the works to be carried out, they will provide an accurate quotation.

Space planning

When the layout of rooms in your house doesn't suit you, it's entirely possible to carry out space planning. This is divided into two major tasks depending on the scope of the work.

Light renovation

As the name suggests, light renovation involves simply giving your house a general makeover. It's not about knocking down a partition or a stone wall but mainly activities related to sanitary facilities or the decoration of your rooms. This could involve installing power outlets in your garage, refreshing the coverings, renovating the bathroom or kitchen, extending the house, etc.

This type of work is essential, especially when your accommodation is located in a city center. Note that the budget for this type of work is very easy to estimate. The price of these works ranges between 150 and 450 €/m2.

Partial renovation

This type of renovation is halfway between refreshment and structural work. Its realization sometimes requires more advanced technical knowledge. In this case, partial renovation particularly requires the intervention of a professional, especially if your house has a floor and is located in the city center. The professional will guide you throughout the project.

Partial renovation involves:

  • changing the layout of existing partitions in the rooms;
  • creating or moving the bathroom (shower, WC, or kitchen);
  • completely renovating the living room, bedroom, or bathroom;
  • converting your attic;
  • adding an additional room.

Partial renovation also includes exterior landscaping, such as changing the coating of a facade or creating a terrace. Note that the presence of a balcony or terrace can optimize the potential of your house when renting or selling.

Energy renovation

During the renovation of a house, it is impossible to ignore the thermal insulation of the property. Indeed, the latter plays a crucial role in improving comfort in your home. When purchasing your property, especially an old one, check if the heating, insulation, and windows are properly installed. Otherwise, here are the budgets you need to plan for more comfort:

  • roof insulation: 23 to 75 €/m2;
  • wall insulation: 28 to 95 €/m2;
  • attic insulation: 28 to 95 €/m2;
  • window replacement: 210 to 620 € per room;
  • wood solar heating: 1,560 to 6,100 €;
  • solar or biomass heating: 3,100 to 15,100 €;
  • electric heating: 2,100 to 5,100 €;
  • water boiler replacement: 560 to 2,580 €.

If you plan to carry out energy renovation, know that it allows you to reduce your energy consumption. In addition, insulating your house preserves it from possible drafts, cold sensations, and moisture problems.


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Planning Your Renovation Budget: The Checklist of Things to Do

Having a checklist is one of the best solutions to ensure nothing is overlooked. Renovating a property involves several phases. Here they are.

Establishing a Checklist

Depending on the elements to be renovated, it is essential to make a list of the tasks to be accomplished. Whether you intend to rent out your house, sell it, or simply improve your comfort, it's wise to note everything you need to undertake. For example:

  • Renovating your garage;
  • Landscaping your yard and garden;
  • Refreshing the aesthetics of your house;
  • Redoing the wallpaper in the entrance;
  • Creating a balcony or terrace;
  • etc.

To estimate the renovation budget, it depends on several criteria and the nature of the property. Indeed, you must take into account the area to be renovated, the number of rooms to be maintained, the overall condition of the house, labor costs, the different materials to be used, etc.

Planning Finishing Works

You must also consider the finishing touches of your work. To do this, it is recommended to contact a renovation professional to ensure that your project is carried out properly. Finishing works include:

  • installing wall coverings and painting;
  • laying floor coverings;
  • installing equipment and furniture (living room furniture, garden automatic watering system, well-equipped kitchen, etc.).

More than just visible, finishing works or aesthetic renovations add significant value to your home. Selling a refurbished old property will always yield more than an unrenewed one.

Estimating the Duration of the Work

To renovate a house, it is also necessary to estimate the duration of the project. The older and more work-intensive your property is, the longer the project duration will be. Thus, the duration depends mainly on the extent of the work to be done and the area to be renovated.

Establishing Your Budget

According to the key points mentioned above, the overall cost of a house renovation generally depends on the total area to be renovated. It also takes into account the degree of renovation required (light, partial, complete, or heavy). Indeed, renovating a kitchen will not cost the same as landscaping a garden, yard, or a complete plumbing overhaul.

The location of the property also plays a significant role in your budget. If your house is in the city center of a major metropolis, the amount to be budgeted may increase.

If you hire a renovation professional, you can request a free quote before starting your work.

What are the Possible Solutions for Your Renovation Project?

Handling a renovation project is no small feat. To successfully complete your project and avoid unpleasant surprises, it's necessary to consider the possible solutions.

Seeking Assistance

Getting assistance from a renovation professional such as Reno remains the best solution to limit unforeseen risks. Depending on the type of renovation work you need, Reno may call upon a decorator or an interior architect to define your needs together. Entrusting your work to an expert can also bring new ideas to highlight the potential of your home.

Requesting Financial Aid

All homeowners know that renovating their property entails significant expenses. Fortunately, there are financial aids available to finance these works.

Renovation Grants

You can benefit from various aids to finance the renovation of your home. At the time of purchase, for example, there is the Zero Interest Loan (PTZ). This loan is a credit for renovating a house or apartment without any interest to pay. There is also renovation aid from ANAH (National Housing Agency), action housing credit, reduced VAT at 10%, assistance from CAF (Family Allowance Funds), and aid from local authorities.

Energy Renovation Grants

If you are looking for assistance to improve your energy performance, there are grants reserved for this purpose. These include:

  • the eco-PTZ: it can go up to €30,000;
  • MaPrime Rénov’ : it's the successor to the energy transition tax credit;
  • VAT at 5.5%: for works carried out by a professional.

These grants can supplement your budgets to improve energy comfort in your accommodation.

Factors Impacting the Budget

When delving into the complex world of house renovation, considering renovation works is a crucial step. It should be noted that this is strongly influenced by various parameters. The price of a renovation is inevitably linked to the nature of the energy renovations envisaged, an element on which our team at Reno places particular emphasis. Working closely with our architecture firm and architects, we aim to understand and anticipate every facet of the cost of a renovation.

The challenges of renovating a house manifest through the specific needs of each partial renovation project. The bathroom, often at the center of these considerations, requires special attention to ensure its harmony with the renovation budget. A well-planned renovation project must also take into account bathrooms and their specific requirements, integrating both aesthetic and functional aspects.

Determining the budget for the work is a delicate step, requiring careful evaluation of euros per meter invested. Considerations of energy savings and financial assistance help balance the overall cost. The integration of thermal insulation elements and the use of heat pumps are strategies that, while representing an initial investment, generate long-term energy savings.

For a house undergoing renovation, the choice of the type of work is crucial in defining the renovation budget. Our commitment as the Reno architecture firm includes a thorough evaluation of the cost of house renovation to ensure transparency at every step of the process. In collaboration with experienced architects, we anticipate every detail, from the price of house renovation to estimating the cost of house renovation. Thus, each house renovation project becomes a well-orchestrated symphony, where each note contributes significantly to the harmonious realization of the client's aspirations.

Reno Ensures Budget Monitoring

Within the complex process of house renovation, the establishment of effective project management emerges as an essential component to prevent renovation work from financial overruns. When undertaking house renovation prices or energy renovations, close collaboration between the architecture firm and architects at Reno plays a crucial role in defining the cost of renovation. Proactive and strategic management of the house renovation budget serves as a bulwark against financial surprises.

The renovation project requires special attention to every detail, especially bathrooms and partial renovations. The bathroom, as a central room, requires precise management of the work budget to avoid any overruns. Establishing a comprehensive house renovation budget, including euros per meter invested in each phase of renovation work, is essential to ensure the financial success of the project.

Energy savings and financial assistance introduce additional variables into the house renovation cost equation. Effective project management involves constant evaluation of house renovation prices in light of these considerations. Anticipating costs related to thermal insulation and heat pump installation is crucial to avoiding unexpected renovation costs.

The architecture firm and its architects are vigilant guardians of the house renovation budget. They strive to maintain consistency between house renovation prices and client expectations. Close collaboration with recognized professionals guarantees environmental (RGE) compliance in the field of kitchen and bathroom renovation. This proactive approach allows us to anticipate and control house renovation prices.

Moreover, effective project management, with a focus on every detail of the house renovation cost, is the cornerstone of a successful house renovation project. This proactive approach ensures that every euro invested in renovation works significantly contributes to the successful realization of a renovated house, meeting both aesthetic and budgetary expectations of the client.

Tips for Tracking and Adjusting Your Renovation Budget Throughout the Process

If you're planning to renovate your home, you need to take a proactive approach to budget management. As experienced architects and architecture firm at Reno, we recommend a series of wise tips for tracking and adjusting the budget of a renovation throughout the renovation works.

Establish a Detailed Budget from the Start

 Before even starting the renovation works, it's essential to define a detailed budget for the works. This meticulous approach provides a clear vision of the prices involved in house renovation.

Anticipate Financial Contingencies

Including a margin for unforeseen circumstances in the renovation cost is a wise precaution. Energy renovations or the discovery of structural problems may require budget adjustments.

Regularly Track Expenses

 Setting up mechanisms for regular tracking of renovation prices allows for quickly detecting any deviations from the house renovation budget. Financial management tools can be helpful.

Prioritize Energy Savings

 In the context of energy renovation, closely monitoring energy savings achieved during the works allows for adjusting the house renovation budget based on return on investment.

Utilize Available Financial Aid

 Leveraging financial aids and incentive programs can help alleviate the cost of house renovation. These can be integrated into the initial works budget.

Review and Adjust the Budget Along the Way

 A renovation project is dynamic. It is therefore crucial to periodically review the renovation budget and adjust it according to the evolution of renovation prices and specific needs.

Collaborate Closely with Professionals

Transparent communication with the architecture firm and architects is also fundamental. Their expertise can guide necessary adjustments to ensure quality without exceeding the works budget.

Implementing these tips proactively throughout the renovation works ensures not only control over house renovation prices but also the successful realization of a renovation project, in line with initial expectations.

Don't Forget to Follow Your City's Trends!

In the dynamic world of house renovation, you must stay in tune with local trends to ensure the success of your renovation works. As an experienced architecture firm at Reno, we emphasize the importance of understanding market trends and regional preferences when planning the price of a renovation.

Energy renovations and methods for renovating homes are constantly evolving. Following local trends in thermal insulation, choice of materials, and innovative solutions such as heat pumps is crucial. These elements can not only influence the cost of renovation but also maximize long-term energy savings.

In partial renovations, especially in spaces like the bathroom, aesthetic trends play a major role. Architects at Reno are constantly on the lookout for the latest bathroom trends to integrate innovative ideas into every renovation budget.

The renovation project must reflect local preferences, whether it's renovating houses in historic neighborhoods or renovating to modernize newer areas. This synchronization with the essence of the city is crucial for maintaining architectural harmony and meeting the specific expectations of the community.

Financial benefits are also influenced by local trends. The availability of financial aids, such as zero-interest loans or eco-zero-interest loans, may vary depending on municipal policies. Integrating these elements into the works budget can be decisive in optimizing renovation costs.

As you can see, closely following your city's trends in house renovation is much more than a matter of style. It contributes to the successful integration of your renovation project into the urban fabric, while optimizing the cost of house renovation. A proactive approach aligned with local specificities ensures not only aesthetic satisfaction but also significant added value to your renovated property.

Our experts take care of your home renovation budget 

In summary, the success of a house renovation undoubtedly relies on meticulous budget planning. Carrying out renovation works involves precise management of renovation costs, integrating specificities related to each type of work. Whether for energy renovation or partial renovation, the key lies in accurately estimating renovation prices associated with each step. The bathroom, a strategic space, requires special attention with thoughtful choices to optimize the works budget.





The search for energy savings, in connection with financial aids and devices such as zero-interest eco-loans, plays a crucial role in the sustainability of a renovation project. Thermal insulation and the use of heat pumps are key elements for an ecological and economical house renovation project. House renovation prices may vary, but precise estimation of house renovation costs remains crucial to avoid financial surprises.





It is also crucial to surround yourself with recognized environmental guarantee (RGE) professionals to ensure the quality of energy renovation works. The kitchen and bathroom, the hearts of the home, require special attention to harmonize bathroom renovation and kitchen renovation within the works budget. Estimating the amount of house renovation works thus becomes an essential step for a successful partial house renovation.

To top it all off, a well-executed renovation project, taking into account the renovation budget, available financial aids, and optimizing every euro spent on renovation, will contribute to the creation of a renovated home, both aesthetically and functionally. A thoughtful approach and wise budget management ensure the success of a house renovation in the long run.

Mathieu Amara

Mathieu Amara

Diplômé en sciences politiques, j'ai toujours eu une passion pour la rénovation et les travaux.

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