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Cost of renovation works

Cost of renovation works: Masonry, plumbing, electricity, carpentry... These are all aspects to consider before starting this project.

Vous n’avez aucune idée du coût des travaux de rénovation, alors que vous venez de faire l’acquisition d’une maison ou d’un appartement ancien ? Ou avez-vous simplement envie de redonner une seconde jeunesse à votre logement actuel ? Maçonnerie, plomberie, électricité, menuiserie…, ce sont tous des postes à étudier correctement avant d’entamer ce projet. En effet, le coût des travaux de rénovation varie selon le type de travaux et les enveloppes à prévoir, s’il s’agit d’une rénovation complète ou non. Pour connaître ce coût, vous pouvez demander les devis des artisans. Sachez que la rénovation énergétique permet d’obtenir des aides financières. Afin de vous aider à établir ce budget, voici quelques points essentiels à connaître. 

Cost of renovation works: why invest?

For investors, there are many reasons to embark on a home renovation project. Sometimes, they want to bring their accommodation up to date or increase everyday comfort and the level of luxury. Also, thermally renovating is widely recommended for all homes over 15 years old. Energy renovation reduces bills while enjoying optimal comfort. 

Moreover, it should be noted that there is a huge difference between refreshing a house or an apartment and heavy renovation work. The former will only cost the price of materials, while the latter requires professional intervention. In terms of renovation, prioritization is essential. The first step is securing a home by bringing electrical and plumbing systems up to code and checking the condition of the frame. Then, it is necessary to tackle energy renovation, which is the guarantee of comfort and electricity savings. Next comes the redesign of rooms and their finishing touches and aesthetics.

Renovating your home is not just a matter of style! This type of work has many advantages, namely :


      • Reduce your energy bills: thermal insulation reduces your energy consumption ;

      • Increase your property value: renovation brings a radical transformation and a fresh look to your property ;

      • Increase your comfort: the property becomes more accessible and easy to live in ;

      • Change the accommodation according to your tastes and styles.

    Renovation is also the perfect opportunity to add value to your property when selling.

    Cost of renovation works: The rules that influence the renovation project

    Know that when undertaking a modification in your home, you must take into account certain regulations. For example, if you want to redo your facade, then you cannot choose the color or materials of your choice. Get in touch with your city hall to learn more. When installing new doors and windows, you must know the rules for respecting privacy with your neighbor. For example, leave at least 1.90 m of sight distance from the separating fence. In addition, in the context of extension works or construction of an area of ​​more than 20 m2, applying for a building permit from your city hall remains mandatory. Otherwise, only a prior declaration of works is necessary.

    Furthermore, to successfully complete your project, you would need a few documents, such as :


        • Mandatory diagnostic documents ;

        • Architectural plans (depending on the nature of the work) ;

        • Measurement of the rooms ;

        • Measurements of your appliances ;

        • A detailed list of the work to be done (room by room) ;

        • A schedule that includes the desired move-in date.

      Then, all you have to do is call on a professional to carry out your work.

      Cost of Renovation Works: The Various Categories

      The prices for renovation also depend on their categories. Sometimes, minor works are enough to enhance your residence, while others require a complete renovation.

      Light renovation

      As the name suggests, light renovation involves only minor refreshing. Thus, artisans won't need to touch the structure or openings. Yet, this enhancement will provide you with a more contemporary atmosphere. This project can be accomplished without professional assistance. The works involved are :


          • Flooring replacement,

          • Refurbishment of wall and ceiling coverings,

          • Decoration and replacement of furniture and sanitary appliances (bathroom, tile installation).

        Wallpapering and repainting a wall also fall under this type of work.

        Partial renovation

        Regarding partial renovation, also known as standard renovation, the required works are more substantial. The bathroom (kitchen and bathroom) can be entirely redone. Also, it's possible to carry out electrical renovation (replacing an electrical panel or outlet, grounding, smoke detector installation, adding a spotlight). The project requires professional intervention. Here are the works involved :


            • Partial renovation of electricity and/or plumbing,

            • Window replacement,

            • Insulation of walls and roof,

            • Kitchen and/or bathroom refurbishment.

          These works do not require altering structures or modifying room volumes.

          Heavy Renovation

          Renovation is considered heavy or complete when the works affect the building's structure. It thus modifies the dwelling's structure, exterior appearance, and energy performance. It includes almost all major works and often requires applying for prior work authorization or building permits. These works include :


              • Removal and/or modification of load-bearing walls,

              • Complete overhaul of plumbing and electrical systems,

              • Adding or removing partitions,

              • Roof framework modification and roof renovation,

              • Facade refurbishment and replacement of tiles and openings,

              • Interior or exterior insulation works,

              • Heating system replacement.

            It is, therefore, a highly technical operation to be entrusted to a specialized company. This company fully manages the project through the various teams it coordinates. Throughout the works, the homeowner benefits from detailed monitoring of each intervention carried out.

            Cost of Renovation Works: Prices per m2 of a house renovation

            The price of a house renovation per square meter varies between 250 euros and over 1,100 euros depending on the level of refurbishment planned. In France, the average price is estimated at just over 700 euros. Indeed, it is essential to know this average budget before starting the works so that you can prepare yourself. These costs take into account each step, from the structure to the finishing touches. 

            As a general rule, the more the works affect the dwelling's structure, the higher the prices. However, if the operations involve only minor refreshing (wall painting, wallpapering, flooring), the bill will be less expensive. According to classifications, the price range for each renovation category is thus:


                • Light renovation or finishing work (floor and wall coverings, carpet replacement, decoration, finishing): between 250 euros and 700 euros per square meter ;

                • Partial or intermediate renovation (window replacement, roof insulation, heating replacement): between 700 and 1,100 euros per square meter ;

                • Major or complete renovation (room transformation, flooring renovation, partition installation, terrace or balcony arrangement): between 1,100 euros and 2,000 euros per square meter.

              Each renovation is different. Some are very standard, while others are more complex. For a 100 m2house, for example, prepare a budget ranging from 500 euros to 100,000 euros.

              This price may increase further if your project requires the intervention of an architect (renovation with an extension of more than 40 m2, facade modification, complete rehabilitation of a building). However, the architect's labor cost depends on the extent of their mission. If they are required to perform a complete renovation (plans, technical choices, permit or work declaration submission, selection of craftsmen and materials, project management and monitoring), then their fee will be between 12% and 14% of the total cost of the works.

              Cost of Renovation Works: Various Factors Influencing Estimates

              The prices for renovation also hinge on numerous variables. Several factors can affect the price estimate provided by the professional, potentially altering the quote. Here they are. 

              Surface Area for Renovation

              The primary determinant that impacts the final cost of the works is undoubtedly the surface area for renovation. Contrary to what one might think, renovating a small house or apartment per square meter will cost more than redoing a larger area. In other words, the larger the area for renovation, the lower the renovation price per square meter. This is essentially due to economies of scale. The unit cost of products and services decreases when the quantities of materials ordered are larger. 

              Geographical Location

              The property's location is sometimes a neglected criterion but holds significant importance for the company. Hence, depending on the accessibility and location of the site, the quoted price may vary. It might be cheaper to carry out works in rural areas than in urban settings. For city center projects, you should anticipate additional costs, considering factors like parking fees for artisans, for instance.

              Choice of Materials

              In the context of renovation, the selection of materials is extremely broad. This may vary according to your preferences and the type of dwelling (apartment or house). Additionally, every minor finishing detail must be considered to arrive at the precise budget. Opting for "luxury" finishes may inflate material costs in your quote, and vice versa.

              Type of Project

              The level of difficulty of the works should also be assessed. If it involves a complete renovation of a house, expect higher rates. For basic projects, the costs may be lower. In such cases, clearly define the nature of your project in advance. However, note that the quote depends on the room being renovated. Bathrooms and kitchens are often quite expensive as artisans may need to work on plumbing and electricity.

              Engagement of Specialized Artisans

              Renovation requires planning. Depending on your project's nature (roof restoration, wall refurbishment, tile rework, installation of a new heating system), you may need the assistance of a specialized company. Engaging such a professional can significantly impact the cost of works due to labor costs. Moreover, to get the best value for money, it's advisable to compare quotes from several construction companies. Keep in mind that each quote can be negotiated based on your budget. 

              The available assistance for energy renovation

              Energy renovation work, whether for a house or an apartment, allows you to benefit from state aid and advantageous taxation. These aids allow you to reduce the total price of the renovation per square meter.

              Energy Efficiency Grants

              Launched as part of the Energy Saving Certificates (ESC), the energy grant is assistance for energy renovation works. It subsidizes your insulation and heating system installation works. The amount depends on the type of work you will undertake, your geographical area, and your income. Note that this assistance applies to primary and secondary residences built more than 2 years ago. 


              MaPrimeRénov' is one of the financial aids for energy renovation. Since 2020, it has become accessible to all households without income conditions. Additionally, only homes built at least 2 years ago are eligible. Furthermore, the aid covers financing for insulation, heating, ventilation, or energy audit works for a house or an apartment.

              Eco-friendly Zero-Interest Loan

              The eco-zero-interest loan (eco-PTZ) is a bank loan with a 0% interest rate. You can borrow from 7,000 euros to 50,000 euros for your renovation. You can obtain it whether you are a landlord or an owner-occupier of the property. The eco-PTZ is granted without income conditions. Moreover, your works must be carried out by an RGE (Recognized Environmental Guarantor) certified company.

              Reduced VAT

              The reduced VAT rate of 5.5% or the intermediate rate of 10% is reserved for improvement, transformation, and development works on residential properties. This rate also applies to energy renovation works. The premises concerned include detached houses, apartments in collective buildings, mobile homes, etc. On the client side, landlords, owner-occupiers, tenants, and condominium associations can benefit from this offer.

              Local Grants

              Sometimes, your region, department, or city can help finance your renovation works through local aids. The amounts, subsidies, types of works, and procedures vary depending on your location. Thus, this aid is intended for owners of a house or an apartment that has already undergone an energy and thermal audit. Find out about the various procedures on your region's website.

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