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Interior Architect Marseille: Trust an Expert!

Photo d'une équipe d'architecte d'intérieur Marseille

Un architecte d’intérieur Marseille répond avec précision aux besoins de rénovation de chaque propriétaire d’appartement ou de maison faisant appel à ses services. Ayant suivi des formations spécifiques au sein d’une école spécialisée, il est en mesure d’exercer un travail axé sur l’aménagement d’espace et la décoration. En tant qu’expert en projet d’architecture, doté d’une créativité aiguisée, il conçoit des espaces intérieurs fonctionnels, esthétiques et harmonieux. Il est donc là pour réaliser les souhaits de ses clients, cependant, il convient de savoir à quel prix et comment procède-t-il? Découvrez dans cet article que tout travail d’un tel professionnel de l’architecture à Marseille commence par l’élaboration d’un devis. De plus, compte tenu de la qualité de ses prestations, il est judicieux de lui offrir les meilleures rémunérations.

Elaborer un devis avec un architecte d’intérieur Marseille

Avant d’engager un architecte d’intérieur marseillais, les clients commencent par demander un devis. Ce document renseigne sur les éléments essentiels à la concrétisation du projet d’architecture.

L’entreprise d’un projet de rénovation d’appartement ou de maison à Marseille implique l’exécution de plusieurs travaux auxquels se rattachent des coûts.

What types of renovations require a quote request?

Kitchen renovation 

First and foremost, it's important to know that prior to the decree of January 2017, renovation projects estimated at less than €150 did not require a quote from a professional. Now, obtaining an estimate is possible, whether it's a small or large-scale project.

In Marseille or other cities in France, the kitchen is the centerpiece of an apartment or house. It brings the family together for lunch or brunch on weekends. To fully enjoy every moment spent in this room, it's important to ensure that its decoration and layout remain to your taste, ensuring practicality and functionality. If this is not the case, renovation and furnishing works with an interior designer are necessary. This expert provides advice to offer you:

  • – une cuisine au design minimaliste se basant sur une déco discrète, des lignes épurées, des meubles sans poignées, et des appareils fonctionnels et intégrés,
  • – une cuisine au look industriel chic, avec des suspensions en métal et un grand évier en acier inoxydable,
  • – une cuisine à la couleur punchy (le vert éclatant, par exemple) pour une décoration qui saute aux yeux,
  • – une cuisine avec des carreaux de ciment qui donnent du cachet à la pièce, sans trop la charger.

Whether your kitchen renovation project involves refreshing wall paint or changing furniture, it is recommended to request a quote. This step helps you financially prepare before continuing with the project.

architecte d’intérieur Marseille

Bathroom renovation

In addition to the kitchen, the bathroom is one of the rooms in an apartment or house in Marseille that requires more care. Being exposed to humidity daily, damage and mold can appear over time. Moreover, changing tastes and preferences may prompt the owner to change its decoration and layout. However, the limited creativity of homeowners and their lack of expertise in the field lead them to seek the help of an interior designer in Marseille. With several years of training in a higher education institution, this architectural professional presents innovative solutions to redesign their clients' bathrooms

Un architecte d’intérieur marseillais réunit à la fois le talent de décorateur et l’intelligence d’un concepteur d’espace intérieur. Dans le cadre de la rénovation de votre pièce d’eau, il peut par exemple, vous suggérer l’installation d’un grand miroir pour créer une illusion d’espace. Il peut également recommander d’utiliser des rangements en hauteur tels que les étagères suspendues pour libérer l’espace au sol. Pour n’importe quel type de rénovation dans votre pièce d’eau, vous avez le droit de demander une estimation de budget à plusieurs experts et de les comparer. Pour prendre une décision éclairée, n’hésitez pas à vous renseigner auprès de plusieurs professionnels.

Creation of an additional bedroom

Over the years, the family grows, and the cocoon begins to feel cramped. For most cases, the idea of ​​moving remains impossible. In this situation, many clients in Marseille seek the services of an interior architect from the city. With several years of experience and having undergone years of training in a specialized establishment, this professional is able to provide the best solutions to improve your space and your quality of life. Their advice may focus on utilizing every neglected or lost corner, such as the attic. The interior architect has the required skill to create an additional room in this space under the roof. In terms of layout, they will prioritize the bed and some clever storage solutions. The room will play the simplicity card and can accommodate new family members.

As most clients are not knowledgeable about attic layout, they are unable to estimate the cost of the project. For fear of feeling obliged to sign a contract with the space designer, some refrain from requesting a quote. However, this does not commit them in any way; it should be noted that it is recommended to make multiple requests from a large number of interior architects in Marseille, whether for small or large projects.

Renewal of floor and wall coverings

The covering of floors and walls in the living spaces of an apartment or house in Marseille plays an aesthetic and functional role. Textures, colors, patterns, and finishes contribute to creating a specific ambiance for a space and highlight the interior design. Over time, withstanding shocks and wear and tear, coverings deteriorate and lose their aesthetics. You will then need the advice and professionalism of an interior architect to restore their former beauty. 

This architectural project professional in Marseille is familiar with the various options for dressing floors and walls (parquet, polished concrete, tiling, etc.). They will make the right choice for each living space and take your preferences into account when selecting the material. It is therefore worth noting that the services of an interior architect and the purchase of coverings entail costs. To prepare, you can request a quote from three interior architecture professionals in Marseille. Even if they are not major construction works, you have the right to submit a request for an estimate to several experts in the field.

What's Included in an Interior Architect Quote in Marseille?

The process of an interior renovation project in Marseille starts with budgeting for the construction to be carried out. Therefore, it's best to request an estimate of the work from several architecture professionals. If you're new to quotes, you should know that this document contains several project-related pieces of information. Some are mandatory, according to Article 3 of the decree of March 2, 1990, and others are not. By checking the mentions in the mandatory quote, you can avoid dealing with an unqualified interior architect:

∙         The date of drafting and the contact details of the interior designer (ideally working in an architecture agency or a specialized building renovation company) ;

∙         The client's name and the address where the work will take place ;

∙         Description of the services provided by the craftsmen who will work on the site ;

∙         Details about the materials (quantity and unit price) necessary for the success of the project ;

∙         The craftsmen required for the completion of the work ;

∙         The total amount to be paid ;

∙         The total amount including taxes (TTC - All taxes included) ;

∙         The VAT rate (Value Added Tax) ;

∙         The validity period of the offer.

Some interior architects in Marseille charge for the preparation of a quote, while others provide it for free. Indeed, the document should specify whether the estimation is free of charge or paid for.

Estimating the costs associated with realizing an interior renovation project for an apartment or house in Marseille follows precise steps.

Measurement and Photography

When undertaking projects, interior architects in Marseille receive requests for work estimates from principals. Before diving into calculations, they listen to their needs and conduct a site visit. Once in the apartment or house to be renovated, architectural professionals take photos and measure the rooms to be arranged. As graduates of a specialized school, interior architects need this data to determine the type and dimensions of the elements to be installed.

Designing Plans

In the design phase, interior architects in Marseille create detailed drawings and layout plans . These visually represent their ideas and the concepts they propose for the project implementation. Architectural professionals can create 3D plans to help principals easily visualize the apartment or house after layout and decoration works.

Preliminary Draft with Variants

During their training in a specialized school, interior architects in Marseille master the steps related to the realization of interior renovation projects. Among these steps is the preliminary draft with variants, which consists of proposing space layout and decoration solutions to owners. The solutions put forward by interior architects must meet the needs of the principals and the constraints imposed by the property. 

Each proposal has its own advantage in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and cost. Moreover, the preliminary draft with variants aims to allow owners to visualize the different alternatives. Thus, they can make an informed choice, discuss points that do not suit them, and share their opinions on the modifications to be made.

The work of an interior architect in Marseille deserves compensation

Every effort deserves payment! The fees for an interior architect in Marseille depend on their tasks. Note that there are different payment methods, such as:

architecte d’intérieur Marseille

Hourly rate

Providing custom restoration projects means that the interior architect spends a lot of time studying the needs, tastes, and constraints of the property. The architectural professional then charges for the number of hours spent working on each stage (from design to finishing). 

In the hourly rate method, the interior architect sets the hourly rate. This rate will be multiplied by the number of hours dedicated to completing various tasks (layout, decoration, renewal of coverings, etc.). For small-scale projects, it is wise to choose this option. The reason for this recommendation is that owners only have to pay the proportionate cost of the work and can better control expenses. 

Flat rate per renovated square meter

In real estate renovation projects in Marseille, the services of the interior architect can be billed according to the size of the room. In other words, the square meter package consists of paying the architectural professional based on the total renovated area. The two parties (the owner and the space designer) therefore do not establish a fixed global amount.

Furthermore, you should know that the square meter package varies depending on the skills, experience, and reputation of the interior architect in Marseille. Also, if owners want custom restoration projects, additional or specific services may not be included in the square meter package.

Why hire an interior architect in Marseille?

Faire appel à un architecte d’intérieur à Marseille, comme ceux du cabinet RENO, va bien au-delà de la simple amélioration esthétique d’un espace. Leurs compétences ont un impact positif sur la valeur immobilière et le bien-être des occupants.

From a financial standpoint, the intervention of an interior architect significantly increases a property's value. Renovation projects led by professionals are often seen as savvy investments. Creating modern and functional spaces, coupled with carefully considered aesthetics, attracts a larger pool of potential buyers, thus positively impacting market value.

However, the impact extends beyond financial considerations. Interior architects in Marseille incorporate elements of well-being into their designs. RENO's expertise in bathroom design, for example, goes beyond aesthetics. The company assists in creating spaces conducive to relaxation and tranquility. Through this holistic approach, it ensures occupants' well-being while enhancing their daily quality of life.

Interior architecture in Marseille also offers interior layout solutions that promote smooth circulation. Interior decorators integrate creative elements that not only beautify the space but also contribute to a harmonious atmosphere. They thus create living spaces that prioritize emotional well-being.

Local regulations in renovation projects

La prise en compte des réglementations locales et des normes constitue une étape cruciale dans les projets de rénovation que mène un architecte d’intérieur à Marseille. Le cabinet RENO se distingue par son engagement à respecter scrupuleusement les normes en vigueur dans les Bouches-du-Rhône. Nos architectes vous garantissent des projets conformes et durables.

To obtain the necessary authorizations, interior architects in Marseille understand the importance of navigating through various local regulations. They ensure that each stage of apartment renovation complies with all legal aspects, including building codes, urban planning regulations, etc.

Cette approche proactive assure la conformité du projet. Elle évite aussi d’éventuelles complications légales. En outre, prendre en compte des réglementations locales et des normes est un aspect essentiel du travail d’un architecte d’intérieur à Marseille.

Renovate your space with an interior architect in Marseille.

Entrusting your real estate renovation projects to an interior architect in Marseille is the best decision you can make. They listen to you, take into account your tastes, your needs, and the constraints of your building. With their technical expertise and years of experience, they offer solutions that you would never have found on your own, enhancing your quality of life.

They also propose solutions that combine functionality, aesthetics, and budget constraints. To reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, they will recommend optimizing energy efficiency. Assistance may also be available if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Do you want to work with an architectural professional who will be able to deliver results that meet your expectations? Call on an interior architect in Marseille! They imagine and structure spaces in your home by focusing on volume, light, and materials. Know that quality and exceptional results are only obtained with this expert who operates in this city that stretches along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

En somme, confier votre projet de rénovation à un architecte d’intérieur à Marseille offre une assurance de qualité et d’innovation. Les architectes d’intérieur à Marseille ne se contentent pas de suivre les tendances actuelles, mais les définissent. Collaborer avec un professionnel garantit une approche personnalisée et une compréhension profonde des besoins individuels.

Whether you are looking for a home staging specialist, an interior decorator in Marseille, or an expert in apartment renovation, interior architecture firms offer a complete range of services. From creating innovative concepts to transforming bathrooms into luxurious relaxation spaces, these professionals master the art of interior architecture.

By browsing through the achievements of the Reno agency or exploring interior decoration projects in the Bouches-du-Rhône, you will see the diversity of skills of interior architects in the region. From refined decor to practical interior design solutions, each project reflects the commitment of interior architects to create spaces that are both functional and aesthetic.

Thus, whether you are looking for a landscape interior architect, an expert in interior decoration, or simply a partner for house apartment renovation, the RENO agency is your best ally! Call on interior designers like RENO to turn your ideas into reality and bring your vision of the ideal interior to life.

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