What is the role of an interior architect?

rôle architecte d'intérieur

Le rôle architecte d’intérieur est de faire de votre appartement ou maison de rêve une réalité et bien plus encore ! Désirez-vous habiter dans la maison de vos rêves, façonnée avec vos goûts et les matériaux que vous aimez particulièrement ? Ou envisagez-vous un projet d’aménagement ou de réagencement de votre intérieur en fonction des nouvelles tendances ? Dans tous les cas, sachez que pour que votre rêve devienne réalité, vous aurez besoin de l’aide d’un architecte d’intérieur. La formation que ce professionnel a suivie et sa passion pour son métier font de lui votre meilleur allié pour transformer l’intérieur de votre habitation, et ce, suivant les règles de l’art. Outre le fait de créer l’effet waouh grâce à une prestation sur mesure, découvrez dans les lignes qui suivent le cœur du métier d’un architecte d’intérieur.

rôle architecte d'intérieur

Addressing Concrete Issues

The work undertaken by an interior architect allows for the transformation of a dwelling's interior in technical, functional, and aesthetic terms. Consequently, the role of this professional is not limited to the design aspect but also covers certain concrete issues. These include, for example, the space to be furnished, the client's desires, and budget. In order to create an interior that reflects your personality, the choice of your interior architect is important, and they must adopt an overall vision of the project and the work to be done.

Endowed with great creativity and technical skills, they intervene in the selection of materials, colors, equipment, etc. Also, they take into account their client's lifestyle. If the client has children, the interior design professional will plan a space for them. If their client works from home, they will design a workspace tailored to their professional needs.

Refine Your Interior Design Project

Les architectes vous permettent une élaboration de plan qualitatif et sur mesure à vos besoins et attentes. Voici deux missions importantes qui assurent la réalisation des projets qu’ils entreprennent.

Develop Various Plans

In order to refine a project, interior architects draw up plans using the tools at their disposal. They may present them to interested parties in 2D, 3D, or organize virtual tours. Each architect uses these plans to help clients visualize their future home. If they agree with the proposal, the expert proceeds with the selection of colors, materials, and outlines a work schedule. Otherwise, they will revise the decoration or layout project.

Handle Decoration and Finishing Touches

L’architecte d’intérieur est bien plus qu’un simple décorateur. Ces deux professionnels font en sorte que la conception des intérieurs des habitations corresponde aux tendances et à leurs usagers. Toutefois, leurs métiers sont bien différents. Un architecte d’intérieur peut exercer le métier de décorateur, mais l’inverse n’est pas possible. Grâce aux études qu’il a suivies après le bac et son expérience professionnelle, il veille à ce que les travaux de décoration soient réussis. Pour cela, il propose des accords de teintes et de matériaux tendance. En effet, les espaces intérieurs d’un logement se révèlent ainsi cohérents et en phase avec le goût du commanditaire. L’emploi qu’exerce l’architecte d’intérieur lui permet de gérer les finitions, comme :

  • – le sens d’ouverture des portes,
  • – l’emplacement des prises et des interrupteurs,
  • – l’éclairage.

Their role also includes giving informed advice on the choice of wallpaper, furniture, household linens, etc.

The role of an interior architect in each of these 3 situations

Why have your work supervised by an architect? Regardless of the project to be carried out in a house, the interior architect plays a key role in its realization. In principle, their mission falls within the scope of decorative arts, involving good organization of spaces, light, color, furniture, etc.

In a renovation project

Do you appreciate comfort, fine details, and above all, an interior that corresponds to current trends? However, you are not proficient in design or interior architecture. It is in such situations that you should turn to an interior architect.

Getting hands-on

After high school, an interior architect undergoes a 3- or 5-year training in interior architecture. This specialized path enables them to master technical knowledge and design software. This training also helps them develop their understanding of architecture and design.

In an interior renovation, clients enlist this qualified expert to achieve the desired results. During site visits, they identify essential aspects to consider, such as :

  • – les murs porteurs,
  • – les cloisons,
  • – la qualité de l’isolation,
  • – l’état de la plomberie et des menuiseries, etc.

Additionally, they carefully study the potential of the space to be renovated, such as natural lighting, the possibility of optimizing spaces, and redistributing rooms in the dwelling. At the end of the visit, the interior architecture expert provides clients with an initial budget estimate for the renovation works.

Studying the interior architecture renovation project of their client

After the site visit, the qualified interior architect offers different layout proposals to their client through sketches. Then, they present a project description including essential elements for the execution of internal restructuring works in a dwelling. These include layout plans, sections, elevations, 3D views, and electrical plans. Subsequently, they select the materials needed for the layout work, such as tiling, parquet flooring, and sanitary supplies.

Overseeing and coordinating interior layout works

After selecting artisans or the general building company, the role of the qualified interior architect involves coordinating the actors of the site. Additionally, they monitor the progress of the works and compliance with agreed-upon layout deadlines. Therefore, they may act as a project manager if requested by their employer. In this capacity, they also manage deliveries of materials and furniture. At the end of the project, they validate the conformity of the tasks executed with their client. Also, they oversee the signing of the reception report.          

The qualified interior architect must base the organizational project on their experience and the tastes of their client. In this regard, they are responsible for harmonizing the design and colors of the interior of the house. Furthermore, this professional may enable their client to benefit from discounts from suppliers. After the interior layout project, they take care of repositioning furniture and decorative objects. 

rôle architecte d'intérieur

In the context of innovation in interior design

By engaging interior architects, you will receive tailor-made services. Thanks to their training and internships, they can quickly assess what is possible or not. Among the various architecture courses, note that the profession of interior architect involves a subtle blend of aesthetics and mathematics.  

Often, interior architects are resourceful and even trendsetters. Therefore, they can design an exclusively original interior and explain the standards to be respected for specific changes. They ensure that all elements of a room blend perfectly together.

With the aim of increasing the value of a property

Creating a unique, functional, and trendy interior is the core business of an architect. Through the intervention of this expert, you will look at your home with fresh eyes and enjoy all its charm, even its new aspects. Above all, the mission carried out by this professional helps you increase the value of your home. Calling upon an interior architect to expand the living space in your residence is an immediate investment. However, you will benefit in the long term, especially when you decide to resell the house.

Note that hiring the services of an interior architect comes at a cost. In the Paris region, their hourly salary ranges from 150 euros to 200 euros. In the provinces, it depends on the location of the agency of professionals in interior redesigning. If it is located in large cities, the average salary of these experts is from 100 euros to 170 euros per hour.

Professionally supporting interior redesign projects

Tous les travaux d’agencement interne d’un logement n’impliquent pas les mêmes démarches et contraintes réglementaires. En France, le Code de la construction stipule de manière claire les autorisations ou permis utiles pour les missions internes d’un logement existant ou en construction. Les compétences de l’architecte d’intérieur vous aideront à répondre à la réglementation (sécurité, espace de circulation minimum, aération, etc.). Connaissant les règles en vigueur, cet expert définit rapidement les démarches administratives à entamer. Elles concernent notamment :

  • – un accord de copropriété : quand les tâches risquent d’impacter les parties communes de l’immeuble ;
  • – une déclaration préalable des travaux : dans le cadre d’un déplacement des fenêtres ou des portes, par exemple ;
  • – un permis de construire : quand il s’agit d’agrandir la surface dans une habitation ;
  • – une déclaration attestant l’achèvement et la conformité des œuvres : désigne un document à remettre à la mairie, signifiant la fin des missions réalisées par l’expert en réagencement interne d’un logement.

Therefore, the interior architect constitutes a guarantee of compliance with the rules related to room layouts in houses.

The role of an interior architect in project management 

Project management plays a central role in the daily life of an interior architect. This professional, an expert in interior architecture, must skillfully navigate through the different phases of an interior design project. The crucial first step lies in clearly defining the project's objectives. The interior architect must understand the specific needs of the client, whether it's for a renovation project or interior space design. This initial phase, often marked by a call to an interior architect, establishes the groundwork for the upcoming work.

Thorough planning proves to be an essential element of project management. The interior architect must develop a detailed interior architecture project, integrating elements such as material selection, space design, and consideration of regulatory standards. The phase of consulting with companies is also critical, requiring transparent communication with the various stakeholders involved.

Rigorous project monitoring is a key skill. Interior architects must ensure that the work is carried out according to plans, adhering to set deadlines. Effective coordination of craftsmen, suppliers, and handling of unforeseen circumstances are integral to this responsibility. Once the project is completed, the interior architect must ensure that the client is fully satisfied with the final result.

Project management for an interior architect also involves a thorough understanding of financial aspects. Interior architect prices must be transparent and aligned with the quality of services provided. This includes the remuneration of the interior architect, which reflects both their expertise and the specific challenges encountered during the project.

In summary, project management for an interior architect is a complex dance between creativity and organization. This professional, playing a versatile role in interior architecture, must juggle aesthetic and functional aspects while respecting time, budget, and regulatory standards constraints, thus ensuring the success of each interior design project.

rôle architecte d'intérieur

What are the regulatory and normative constraints of this profession?

When an interior architect undertakes an interior design project, they must deal with a complex set of regulatory and normative constraints. It should be noted that these directives are established by the French Council of Interior Architects (CFAI). They aim, among other things, to regulate the profession of interior architect and ensure high standards of quality and safety. Thus, the first step involves a thorough understanding of building and public works codes. This is precisely a central element in the realization of any interior architecture project. These standards dictate structural and safety aspects, ensuring that interior spaces meet legal requirements.

Le diplôme national et la formation spécialisée en architecture intérieure sont des prérequis indispensables pour naviguer au sein de ces contraintes. Les architectes d’intérieur doivent également se familiariser avec les arts appliqués et le design d’espace, intégrant ainsi la créativité dans les limites fixées par les normes. Par ailleurs, la gestion du dossier de consultation des entreprises est délicate lorsque vous devez mettre en œuvre un projet d’architecture d’intérieur. Celui-ci requiert, effectivement, une connaissance approfondie des normes en vigueur.

To ensure the compliance of each renovation project, you must follow the recommendations of the French Council of Interior Architects. This entity works to protect the profession of interior architect, ensuring that professionals adhere to ethical and technical rules. Calling upon an interior architect in Paris or elsewhere, a member of this organization, ensures rigorous consideration of these regulatory and normative constraints. Thus, beyond the creative aspect, the interior architect excels in skillfully navigating within a complex regulatory framework, guaranteeing both aesthetic and compliant achievements.

The Role of an Interior Architect: Take Note of This

In conclusion, the interior architect emerges as a crucial player in the field of interior architecture. Indeed, their national diploma and specialized training empower these professionals, sometimes likened to interior decorators, to successfully execute renovation and interior design projects with a comprehensive vision of space design. The role of the interior architect is to provide creative and functional solutions, integrating the latest trends in space design. These experts are capable of managing the entirety of an interior architecture project, from the consultation file of companies to the concrete realization, including the coordination of various stakeholders.

In France, interior architects are subject to guidelines and standards established by the French Council of Interior Architects (CFAI), ensuring the quality and ethics of the profession. Engaging an interior architect in Paris or elsewhere guarantees a service that adheres to industry standards. In summary, entrusting an interior design project to a professional in interior architecture is not only an investment in aesthetics but also in the quality of life within the renovated spaces.

Mathieu Amara

Mathieu Amara

Diplômé en sciences politiques, j'ai toujours eu une passion pour la rénovation et les travaux.

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