Rénovation appartement et maison : cabinet d'architecte

Your best plan might not be the one you initially thought of.


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La garantie d'une rénovation d'appartement sur mesure

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Renovate my main residence

Because it’s where you live, your primary residence deserves quality renovation. Re-enchant your daily life, you deserve it.

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Renovating a second home

A pied-à-terre or a vacation home is true happiness. Imagine it with the layout and decor of your dreams.

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Renovating a rental property

Renovating my primary residence Renovating a secondary residence Renovating a rental investment

More than an architectural firm,
a team dedicated to your project

A small and accessible team,
composed of qualified and experienced architects
Gestion de projets

Your project in 4 steps

Discovery Meeting

Schedule a meeting. A project manager will assist you in defining the project. Following this discussion, you will receive a quote within 48 hours.

Technical Site Visit

During an on-site visit, the project manager, along with the architect, will validate the proposed improvements with you.

Project Design (plans, costing)

During this phase, we propose a plan tailored to your desires. You approve the plan and the choice of materials.

Execution and Work Monitoring

The work begins. We conduct regular monitoring to guide the craftsman and ensure that the work is carried out according to best practices. Until the site is delivered.

Recently completed projects

Each space is meant to accommodate a life story.
Our team helps you live out the most intense stories in reinvented places.

Reno accompanies you at...

Our construction teams are locally present to manage your projects as closely as possible.
In around twenty major cities across France.
  • 790 projects delivered
  • 8 architects
  • 17 trusted construction companies
  • 790 projects delivered
  • 8 architects
  • 17 trusted construction companies
  • 790 projects delivered
  • 8 architects
  • 17 trusted construction companies
  • 790 projects delivered
  • 8 architects
  • 17 trusted construction companies
  • 790 projects delivered
  • 8 architects
  • 17 trusted construction companies
  • 790 projects delivered
  • 8 architects
  • 17 trusted construction companies

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Every project has a story: Reno Stories

Discover the renovations delivered by our teams. Spaces transform, places come alive again, new stories are written. Explore the Reno Stories.

A question?

Do you have a renovation project and still have questions
about Reno's services? The answers are here.

Comment rénover un appartement ?

Pour rénover un appartement, vous pouvez faire appel à un artisan ou à un architecte qui guidera les travaux.

Pour une petite modification, vous pouvez passer directement par un artisan, quand une rénovation complète nécessite la réalisation de plan, l’établissement d’un cahier des charges détaillé et le suivi du projet pendant le chantier. Le cabinet Reno. gère toutes ces étapes pour vous pour faire de vos travaux de rénovation un succès.

Comment choisir un architecte ?

Pour choisir un architecte, vous devez vérifier ses références, sa réputation en ligne et auprès d’anciens clients, et échanger avec lui concernant votre projet. 

Enfin, le budget est toujours un sujet. Les tarifs d’architectes évoluent généralement entre 8% et 15% du montant des travaux, il est important de vérifier en amont que vous disposez des fonds nécessaires pour déléguer les travaux. Reno. facture le suivi à partir de 7% HT, contactez nous pour un devis personnalisé. 

Au delà de son professionnalisme, c’est aussi une question de vision partagée et de ressenti. Sollicitez notre cabinet Reno. et faites vous votre propre opinion.

How to secure your construction budget and ensure there are no additional costs ?

When our clients want to secure their construction budget, especially for a significant project, we recommend starting the design phase by creating detailed plans for the property (existing plan, project plan, demolition/construction plan, electrical plan, materials plan). These plans allow us to agree on a clear project roadmap that has been co-created between the client and the architect. They enable us to draft the specifications while taking into account the specific needs of the property, as we have all the measurements (amount of paint, number of outlets, brands, tile references, flooring, etc.). 'What is well conceived is clearly expressed,' and the more rigorous the project framing, the more it reflects in the success of the project.

Energy performance improvement works: what solutions for what results?

In the context of the new legislation on building energy performance, the authorities aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the French real estate sector by 40% by 2030. After freezing rents for housing units considered as thermal strainers in 2022, measures are being specified for properties rated G, F, and E by 2023, 2028, and 2034. Undoubtedly, by the specified deadlines, these properties cannot be rented out for more than 4 months per year.

To counteract this issue, our architects primarily focus on :

  • "Insulation of heat-loss walls with special attention to reating thermal bridges.
  • The controlled mechanical ventilation hygro B (CMVH).
  • Replacing the windows (double glazing with argon gas), to which adjustable humidity-sensitive ventilation grilles are attached on the windows of dry rooms.
  • The dry inertia electric heating system (when we are not in the case of a condominium where heating is collective).


A multitude of other options exist in addition to the aforementioned elements (heat pumps, solar panels, etc.).

The new DPE legislation has the consequence of creating new opportunities in the rental market in particular. It also underpins two issues on which actors like us must act: poor housing and the associated public health issues.

Comment choisir une entreprise de rénovation ?

Bien choisir son entreprise de travaux est un travail d’expert. De notre côté, notre cabinet refuse de s’astreindre à effectuer des appels d’offres à chaque proposition de chantier. Effectivement, travailler dans la qualité suppose qu’une confiance soit préexistante entre l’architecte et l’artisan et que cette relation de confiance soit factuelle. C’est ainsi que nous avons développé notre réseau de partenaires dans toute la France. Il s’agit de société tous corps d’état nous accompagnant sur les + de 1000 projets que nous réalisons par an. Leurs assurances et garanties sont quotidiennement vérifiées. Nous limitons autant que faire se peut, l’intervention de multiples entreprises sur les chantiers pour des questions calendaires et des questions de fluidité dans l’organisation et les échanges.

What are the deadlines from the design phase to the completion of my project?

The design deadlines for a project vary depending on the scope of the project. On average, it takes a maximum of 3 weeks between the first visit, the creation of the 5 plans, and the drafting of the specifications by the architect. As for the construction phase, several variables need to be considered: what is the size of the property? What ergonomic/logistic constraints are there for the artisans? What work needs to be done? It is up to the architect, based on the uniqueness of each project, to establish a clear schedule that the collaborating companies must follow. It should be noted that there is still time to be respected in the construction process: different trades have deadlines to meet (e.g., drying times), which justifies that, for consistency, their interventions must be sequenced. Finally, for a turnkey project (including furnishing & decoration), it takes 3 months for a studio/T2. For buildings (6 to 7 units), on average 6 months depending on the size of the units. Administrative phases may also be involved in some projects: submission of building permit applications, requests for subsidies, creation of meters, etc.

Qui sera mon interlocuteur chez Reno ?

Nous travaillons systématiquement en binôme pour assurer la continuité des projets en cas d’empêchement de l’une des parties prenantes.

C’est la raison pour laquelle, les interlocuteurs de nos clients sont : l’architecte et le technico commercial qu’il aura eu en début de projet. Tous nos commerciaux sont des experts de la rénovation de formation (ingénieur structure, ingénieur en éco énergie etc.)

Together, let's transform your real estate assets.

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