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How to Convert Your Attic Step by Step ?

Step-by-step attic conversion

Converting your attic step-by-step is a project that brings a refreshing change to your home. Do you have unused attic space? This lost area, which can be a significant source of thermal loss when poorly insulated, can become a true asset.

Indeed, you can create an additional room (guest room, children's room, master suite, playroom, bathroom, office, living room, terrace) with a few renovations. Moreover, these few square meters under the roof add significant value at a low cost.

Additionally, since converting an attic always involves insulation work, you will achieve notable energy savings. Do you want to optimize every inch of your attic and give it a sense of volume? Discover all the solutions and key information for a successful attic conversion!

Step-by-step attic conversion

Focus on Key Points to Verify for Step-by-Step Attic Conversion

Before engaging a specialized company, you must verify whether your attic is suitable for conversion. For this, several points need to be examined before starting the project.

Minimum Geometric Characteristics

First, if the ceiling height is insufficient, you won't be able to convert your attic. It should be at least 1.8 meters to be considered habitable. Additionally, a roof slope greater than 35° is required, with 45° being ideal. The nature of the framework also plays a role. If it is a traditional type and the available space is sufficient, the conversion won't present major difficulties.

However, in a trussed structure, the type of trusses used (wood or metal) determines the feasibility of the operation. In any case, your house's frame must not encroach on the floor. Moreover, since the latter will support the weight of the conversion, it must be load-bearing and stable enough. Consider the insulation materials, furnishings, and any partitions. Thus, reinforcement may be necessary depending on the nature of the existing floor.

Municipal Policies

You'll also need to inquire about your municipality's policies. Check if the local urban development plan (PLU) allows you to carry out such a project. Additionally, ensure from the outset that the future construction complies with the current urban planning regulations.

The third-party recourse right is, among other things, an essential point to consider. Your neighbors have two months from the date of posting the declaration or permit to contest the work (especially if the operation involves creating a window overlooking a neighboring house or apartment). Furthermore, if you live in a condominium, it's mandatory to inform the homeowners' association of such a project.

The Steps to Convert Your Attic 

When considering converting your attic, it's highly advisable to inquire with the town hall of your municipality. There, you'll find all the information regarding the formalities to follow and the assistance available to you for this operation.

In principle, if the area to be converted is between 5 and 20 square meters, a prior declaration of works (DP) is required. However, you'll need a building permit if the area exceeds 20 square meters (40 square meters when the municipality has a PLU). Moreover, the intervention of an architect is imperative for an area exceeding 170 square meters.

Works Required for Attic Conversion

There are several operations to carry out to convert your attic into comfortable and functional living space.

Access to the Attic

In most cases, unconverted attics have nothing more than a simple hatch for access. If you intend to convert them, you'll need to establish access that is both safe and easy. Additionally, it should allow for the easy transportation of furniture in and out. In this case, the choice of stairs depends primarily on the intended use of the space after conversion, particularly its level of traffic.

If it's a room you occasionally visit (for example, a playroom or a guest bedroom), a narrow staircase will suffice. However, for heavily frequented rooms, such as the living room, bedroom, or bathroom, you'll need a sufficiently wide model. In any case, if space is lacking on the lower floor for adding a real staircase, a ladder or a retractable staircase should be preferred.

Priority to Insulation

Insulation can be carried out either from the inside or from the outside.

Interior Insulation

Interior insulation is less expensive. However, it results in a loss of space due to the thickness of the thermal insulation. First, ensure that the roof covering is perfectly waterproof. Then, apply two crossed layers of insulation. To better protect the insulation from moisture, the roof should be covered with a waterproof membrane on the inside and a rain screen on the outside.

In terms of insulation, you can choose between glass wool, rock wool, expanded polystyrene (EPS), polyurethane foam, thin insulation, etc. These products all have good performance. The difference mainly lies in their ease of installation and cost.

Rock wool and glass wool are the most common and the most expensive. Moreover, they comply well with the new thermal and acoustic regulations. Available in rigid and semi-rigid panels, or flexible rolls with or without a vapor barrier, these mineral-based insulations adapt well to various dimensions between the rafters and joists.

For finishing, it's possible to cover the rigid face with paper or paint it. Polyurethane and expanded polystyrene foams in the form of rigid panels have very high thermal and acoustic performance. Lightweight and rigid, they cut easily with a standard tool, such as a jigsaw or handsaw. Moreover, they are non-compressible and comply with the latest insulation requirements. However, these products are expensive.

Exterior Insulation

This option allows for optimal insulation. It is ideal if you wish to preserve the available space in your attic. Unfortunately, external thermal insulation is only possible as part of a major project, which could include a complete roof renovation. Therefore, if you are planning to renovate your house's roof, consider insulating your convertible attic from the outside. However, note that this type of operation should be entrusted to a specialist in the field.

Regardless of the technique used, remember that attics can only be habitable when properly insulated. This operation aims to ensure a comfort level similar to that of other rooms in the house, both in winter and summer. At the same time, you reduce heat loss through the roof (about 30%), thereby achieving energy savings and reducing heating costs.

Step-by-step attic conversion

Installation of Heating and Electricity

The installation of heating and electricity is also another significant step in attic conversion works. For heating, you can either connect to the central heating circuits or opt for independent electric heating.

For electricity, the simplest option is to install a secondary panel connected to the main panel. It is also possible to create an independent electrical installation. However, this solution is more expensive.

Other Finishing Works

To better illuminate the converted attic with natural light, one or two openings should be planned. This also allows for more effective ventilation of the room when it's hot, especially during the summer season. In this case, prefer roof windows to conventional windows for more brightness. A glazed area equivalent to at least one-sixth of the habitable area is then necessary.

To avoid shadow zones, it's better to opt for two small windows on either side of the converted attic rather than one large central bay. Ensure they are evenly distributed on both sides of the roof to optimize ventilation. Windows have the advantage of bringing in free solar heat in winter. However, they can cause overheating during the warm season. Therefore, it's necessary to invest in exterior sun protection or roller shutters. These are also useful in combating the cold.

Don't forget to lay an acoustic underlay under the floor covering to reduce footstep noise.

The budget to plan for attic conversion

Budgeting for attic conversion can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • the initial condition of the attic ;
  • the complexity of the work ;
  • the area to be converted ;
  • the structure of the framework (with or without trusses) ;
  • the type of room to be created (bathroom, office, master suite, guest room, children's room, playroom, etc.) ;
  • the cost of labor ;
  • type of insulation to be used

 To give you a more precise idea of the budget required, here are the estimated costs for each aspect:

  • Roof structure: €500 to €1,500 per square meter,
  • Insulation: €35 to €70 per square meter,
  • Staircase: €500 to €3,000,
  • Electrical installation: €50 to €100 per square meter,
  • Plumbing for water access: €1,500 to €6,000,
  • Windows: €150 to €6,000,
  • Partitions: €35 to €60 per square meter,
  • Finishes: €10 to €50 per square meter


For a more accurate estimate, don't hesitate to consult a renovation professional like Reno.

Knowing the State Aids for Step-by-Step Attic Conversion

Attic conversion projects are eligible for various state aid programs :

The CITE (Energy Transition Tax Credit)

This replaces the former eco-tax credit and applies to any energy renovation project on the main residence. With this fiscal mechanism, you can deduct 30% of the expenses incurred from your income tax. The financing amount is capped at €16,000 for couples and €8,000 for single individuals, with an additional €400 for each dependent.

Government Grants and Financial Aids

The CITE (Energy Transition Tax Credit) can be combined with other state grants and aids, such as reduced VAT (Value Added Tax), zero-interest loans, and assistance from the ANAH (National Housing Agency).

Reduced VAT

You may qualify for a reduced VAT rate of 5.5% (instead of the standard 20%) if you hire a professional for your project. This rate applies to both labor and material costs for insulation.

Eco-friendly interest-free loans

Through this program, you can obtain a loan of up to €10,000 for roof and attic insulation projects. However, not all banks offer this service, and you must hire an RGE-certified (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment) company to be eligible.

ANAH grants

The National Housing Agency also provides financial assistance to help individuals improve the energy efficiency of their homes. It offers the "Habiter Mieux" program for low-income households. In this case, ANAH can finance 50% of the total project cost, with aid capped at 10,000 euros. Additionally, a bonus of up to 10% of the project cost (up to a maximum of 2,000 euros) can be added.

Step-by-step attic conversion
Step-by-step attic conversion

Analyzing the technical feasibility of the project 

The conversion of an attic must be meticulously studied, taking into account various elements such as :

  • Ceiling height;
  • The possibility of adding roof windows for natural lighting ;
  • and the current structure of the attic.

Before starting the conversion work, a prior declaration to the competent authority, usually the local urban planning department of the municipality, is required. This administrative step is essential to ensure that the project complies with current regulations, including the local urban development plan and the attic conversion plan. 

Next, the convertible attic must be evaluated in terms of potential habitable space. This involves considering constraints related to the insulation of the converted attic. It is also crucial to research qualified craftsmen and ensure they adhere to the standards and regulations outlined in the attic conversion project. 

A planning permission application may be necessary, especially if you are planning exterior modifications, such as adding a roof window. Thus, the successful completion of an attic conversion project closely depends on a thorough understanding of the local urban development plan and the specific requirements of the attic conversion work. The prior declaration of works is an essential step. Collaboration with qualified architects is crucial to ensure the project's compliance with current urban planning standards when converting your attic.

 Tips and Techniques

To optimize the result of your attic renovation, here are techniques and tips recommended by our architects !

Thermal and Acoustic Insulation for Comfortable Attics

Thermal insulation and acoustic insulation is a crucial aspect of attic conversion. Given the challenges of ceiling height and conversion work, selecting high-performance insulating materials is imperative to optimize habitable space while ensuring effective insulation.

Convert Your Attic Step by Step with Reno !

In conclusion, converting your attic is both a rewarding and complex process. It is in your best interest to have professional support. Ceiling height and conversion work can be seen as challenges, but they become opportunities under the guidance of our specialists. 

Indeed, transforming convertible attics into functional living spaces requires a solid understanding of insulation standards and regulations related to prior declarations. It also requires an artistic vision to maximize habitable space while preserving aesthetics.

In summary, choosing the support of an architectural agency specializing in attic conversion is the key to a successful experience. Don’t hesitate to contact us now to discuss your project and get a quote !

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