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What assistance programs are available for renovation in France?

Quels dispositifs d’aides pour rénover en France ?

There are numerous grants and aids aimed at promoting renovation work in France. Certainly, the theme of housing and all its underlying issues (inadequate housing, high energy consumption, non-compliance of housing) has received renewed attention from the authorities. (See Climate Bill project, section "housing").

In this perspective, several aids have emerged. These allow you to share the cost of your work with the state, to your clear advantage. In the short term, carrying out work (such as insulation, ventilation systems, etc.) will not only allow you to live in a healthier home but also to pay your bills at a reduced price. In the long term, the work will undoubtedly increase the value of your property, even though you were not the only one investing to enhance your assets. Furthermore, it is always possible to benefit from tax deductions on your work at the same time!

In this article, we will therefore present the range of aids available for renovation.

dispositif d'aide à la rénovation

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What you need to know about renovation grants, whether they are public or private

There are two types of grants in France : 

  • Public grants : These are subject to income conditions. Their aim is to allow low-income households to afford to live in healthy housing. Private grants: These are open to all without income conditions. 
  • Private grants : These are open to all without income conditions.

In the current political context and the realization that housing and ecology must be reconciled, the authorities have also wished that your work be carried out by artisans known as "RGE" (Recognized Guarantors of the Environment) who will be able to improve the performance of your homes. At Réno, we work with RGE artisans to ensure quality work for you.

Different grants for renovation in France

(non-exhaustive list)


MaPrimeRénov is a grant for all property owners and co-owners. It has been available since January 11, 2021. This grant is managed by ANAH (National Housing Agency). It covers energy renovation work. It has replaced the CTE and contributes to combating energy inefficiency. The amount of the grant you can obtain depends mainly on the type of renovation project you wish to carry out.

It is important to know the prices of materials to easily establish the corresponding work budget. Note that the use of an architect is mandatory to obtain this grant. 

The energy check

The energy check is intended to financially assist the most modest households with the expenses incurred for carrying out renovation works. It is proposed, for example, to cover the household's energy costs, thermal renovation, etc.

Optimizing insulation is one of the effective solutions for retaining heat and thus consuming less energy. However, heating problems are common in older buildings, hence the need to address them first. Thermal difficulties are often linked to insulation, and this check can be used to address heat-related issues. For any improvement to thermal installations, it is necessary to enlist the services of an RGE professional.

Energy Efficiency Grants

The energy grant is part of the Energy Efficiency Certificates (EEC) scheme. It mainly covers improvement or modification works related to energy consumption. This subsidy will significantly reduce the amount payable on the quote for your renovation works.

Its operation is simple. This aid essentially requires energy suppliers to reduce their customers' consumption. Its amount is calculated based on the fiscal income of the beneficiaries. Obtaining this grant depends on the type of arrangement to be made and its cost. It is granted in the form of a bank check. For example, investing in a reversible air conditioner is a recommended long-term investment, given the lower energy consumption.

Public aid for solar panel installation

Energy renovations not only involve bringing old electrical equipment up to standard. More and more people are now installing photovoltaic solar panels on their buildings to reduce energy costs. This is also an eco-responsible approach, concerned with environmental preservation. 

Since this installation is very expensive, it is partly covered by the state through public aid. If your solar panel produces more energy than you consume, it is possible to sell this excess energy to a supplier. You can thus benefit from renewable energy that respects the environment, in addition to enjoying another source of income.

The advantages of solar panels are numerous, both in terms of electricity and the environment. Heating-related consumptions, such as air conditioning or water heaters, can be easily covered by the additional income derived from them.

Having the installations carried out by a professional is more expensive, but it will reduce your bill by 25% once completed. This will provide you with a serene future outlook regarding your electricity consumption.

panneaux solaires

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The "Habiter" offers from ANAH

The National Agency for Housing aims to improve the condition of all private buildings and homes in France. As a public institution, it provides subsidies, under certain conditions, to those wishing to undertake renovation work. It offers several programs with goals centered around actively improving building quality nationwide.

"Habiter mieux sérénité" is an offer that enables low-income households to make savings. Specifically, it covers the cost of energy and thermal renovation work, such as improving attic insulation, heating, or gas boilers. Additionally, it may cover the installation of a reversible air conditioner for air conditioning. This offer is intended for dwellings or buildings over 15 years old.

"Habiter serein" is another ANAH program that focuses on renovating particularly dilapidated properties. The offer includes covering 50% of the major structural work costs, up to a maximum of €25,000. Installation of solar panels or gas, as well as bathroom improvements, can be carried out under this assistance. However, certain works are not covered, such as decoration, adding an air conditioner, or extensions.

"Habiter sain" concerns securing the house or dwelling. This offer is dedicated to electrical, plumbing, heating, or boiler renovations, primarily aimed at preventing lead poisoning risks. It covers up to 50% of the renovation costs, with a ceiling of €10,000. If you wish to renovate your roof, you may qualify for this offer by meeting the eligibility criteria with the help of an RGE guide. This program is aimed at low-income households.

Subsidies offered by local authorities

Financial aid is provided by local authorities for any construction, development, or renovation involving eco-friendly work. Each region has its own specific scheme. To find out about eligible construction or development works for these subsidies, you can directly visit the town hall. Experts can inform you about the eco-work required to qualify for these aids.

Different loans

For the renovation or rehabilitation of your home or dwelling, you can opt for a particular loan.

Eco-loan at zero interest rate

The eco-loan at zero interest rate is accessible without any income conditions. It's an offer that impacts the future prospects of the homeowner. It can be obtained from a bank that has signed an agreement with the State and does not require any interest on repayment. This loan must be repaid within a maximum limit of 15 years and is intended for those planning renovation work. It provides coverage of up to €15,000 for a single-action project and €30,000 for an energy performance project.

Conventional loan

The conventional loan is initially intended for people wishing to buy a house or build one. However, it can also be used to finance renovation work under certain conditions. The works must include enlarging or improving the overall conditions of your home. In the case of an apartment or house, renovation work must aim to improve energy performance. In other words, the interior construction must have a positive impact on reducing the overall household consumption.

appartement rénové

Professionals Qualified for Grants

To benefit from various subsidies, you need to engage with RGE-certified professionals. These individuals have representatives for each trade. Checking water drainage, installing a high-quality boiler or air conditioner, and other tasks are essential. An architect is necessary to advise you on material costs. Moreover, they can assist in managing your budget according to the project. It's also the safest option to ensure quality work. Choosing the right professional and company for the job is crucial for reducing the invoice amount.

For interior renovations, obtaining a quote from an RGE-certified professional is necessary. Whether it's for water infiltration or roof insulation problems, the planning or construction needs to be verified by this expert. Their intervention is a recommended alternative. 

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